•PropCase / ParamsData page < Debug parameters < Miscellaneous Stuff
[ 0Property cases (PropertyCase or PropCase) are basically variables in the camera's RAM that we can read and write from CHDK by using uBasic commands get_prop and set_prop. "Under the hood" some other uBasic commands work by changing propcases, making it possible to use them in a portable way. Some propcases are read only. Often writing to a propcase will have a different effect than pressing the corresponding buttons on the camera's user interface. Typically this means that while you may change something like the shutter speed and your change will be effective in your photo, it may not be updated to the camera's
Property cases are different for Digic II and Digic III cameras.
EXAMPLE: A570IS ISO is at #149, not #21 like on the S3IS, and the white balance control is #268, not #206. Furthermore, some Digic III cameras (G7, SD800IS, SD900) use the Digic II property set.
You are advised to confirm that these properties are appropriate for your camera before you attempt to change them.
•Task list start < Debug parameters < Miscellaneous Stuff < Main Menu
Where to display from. If you set this to more than there are tasks running on the camera, it will show the last twelve, adjusting on the fly as tasks get created and then deleted.
• Show misc values | Enable [•] / Disable [ ] |
•Memory browser < Debug parameters < Miscellaneous Stuff < Main Menu
Similar role as previous.•Benchmark < Debug parameters < Miscellaneous Stuff < Main Menu
Test write and read speed of the camera and SD cards. To compare memory cards.Since this function during the first pass provides inaccurate values a 2nd run should always be carried out, only the values of this 2nd run are meaningful.
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