performed by an authorized Canon Repair Facility, would void the warranty." ... and ... In further discussion with Canonabout this specific hack, their response is: "If it is not Canonfirmware the warranty would be void."

Is it an "upgrade" of the camera firmware when the firmware remains untouched? It's up to you to decide. Don't use it if you are not willing to take the slightest chance. Many many people have used CHDK on their cameras (including some very experimental versions) and there is no report of any permanent malfunction. Thus, CHDK appears to be quite safe to use as long as you make sure that it's the CHDK and not a real firmware update (A real firmware update which is not an official Canonupdate could alter or completely screw up the camera and will void the warranty). Addressing their second comment (i.e. "if it is not Canonfirmware"): CHDK is NOT firmware. By very definition, FIRMware is software that remains in the memory of the device when it is not using any power source.

However, this is not a legal opinion and the user accepts all risk of using it. And as a practical matter, if you send your camera in for warranty service, and Canonsays your warranty is void because they found evidence of CHDK on your memory card, there is not much you can really do (what are you going to do? Spend thousands of dollars suing them to get your camera repaired?) However, you can just wipe or remove the card. ;)

See:- http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1010&thread=23168653&page=2

More at: - http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ

Q. How do I use scripts?

A. CHDK allows you to automate your camera by running "scripts", small and simple programs written in a short-hand version of BASIC, or Lua. You can use some pre-made scripts like bracketing, intervalometer etc., or write your own scripts using the scripting language. To use a script, you have to do this:

1 - Put the script you want to use into the CHDK/SCRIPTS-folder on your SD card

2 - Load the script (main menu>scripting parameters>load script from file) and adjust script parameters as needed...

3 - To run the script, press the shutter button while in <ALT> mode. You can also stop it by pressing the shutter button again.

If your script does not work properly, try to increase the "script shoot delay" parameter, which is a

small time-delay after a shot is taken, before the next line of the script is executed. Some scripts also may require certain camera settings. For example the generic bracketing script: go to menu>review and switch it to "off". Use P, Tv, Av or M mode and activate the camera function where you want to have bracketing. For example: Activate the focus slider when you want to have focus bracketing. Activate the exposure compensation slider in P mode when you want to have exposure bracketing, and so on.

For more, go to:- Scripting notes Page 54,

and http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/UBASIC/TutorialScratchpad

Q. May I suggest a new feature?

A. Yes you certainly can, although not every wish can be fulfilled. Please note that the CHDK is not able to change any standard behavior of the camera, because it does not modify the original firmware. CHDK can just "extend" current functionality.