Instructions for BADPIXEL.LUA...*Q. When I select the script with Func./Set, nothing happens, How do I run it?A. From fe50- Thanks fe50Ok, then follow me...-power your camera on, half-press the shutter, to go to record mode-press PRINT, then press FUNC/SET

-select "Load script from file", go 2 steps down to the TEST/ folder, press FUNC/SET

-select "BADPIXEL.LUA", press FUNC/SET-start the script with the SHUTTER !-wait until you see "press SET to save....."-press FUNC/SET to store the badpixel.bin automatically in the right place-press PRINT to leave the <ALT> mode, press PRINT again to enter <ALT> mode-press MENU, go to the "RAW parameters", enter it with FUNC/SET-enable the settings "Save RAW" , "DNG format" and "DNG file extension"-press PRINT to leave the <ALT> mode again

Now RAW saving in DNG format is enabled, transfer the DNG files with a card reader...

See:- http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Badpixel_removal

and:- http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK_firmware_usage/AllBest#Hot-Pixel_Removal_.28Build_100-16_and_later.29


USB Remote Notes

Enable built-in CHDK remote support

First, ensure you are running a reasonably up-to-date CHDK build. Some early builds did not support remote shutter release control via USB.

Now enable remote support via the CHDK menu: Main Menu > Miscellaneous Stuff > Remote Parameters > Enable Remote

Note. If you enable the "Sync Delay" then the shutter will release after you stop the voltage to the USB port. This was done because it was found they could sync the shutters on 2 cameras for stereo imagery much better as the voltage dropped. (It can also be useful if your switch uses poor-quality contacts, in which case the rise in voltage when it closes may not occur quickly enough to trigger CHDK's remote function.) Under most single-camera circumstances, however, you won't need this unless you need to sync the shutter release more accurately to your voltage trigger signal for specialized reasons.

USB Remote Cable

Using a USB cable, a low voltage power supply, and a push button switch, you can construct a device that will allow you to remotely trigger the shutter of your CHDK-enabled camera. Remote triggers are most often used in low-light situations when pressing the shutter button on the camera could introduce picture spoiling camera shake, but may also be useful in other circumstances - for instance if you wish to trigger the shutter with your foot, or with an electronic signal from another device.

In order to trigger your CHDK camera remotely, you will need to: connect a suitable triggering device to the USB socket of your camera; ensure "Enable remote" to have been selected in CHDK; run a suitable