These features work on all camera models supported by CHDK. The camera does not need to have "related" or "inherent" features already present - CHDK will add the required functionality. New features are accessed through CHDK-specific menus, rather than the default camera menus.

As CHDK is continually evolving, new features are often added. This means some of the listed features depend on you using a version of CHDK that has those features.

Check out the Downloads page for information on finding the right build for your needs. Go to:- http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Downloads


Using CHDK

To Start – Auto load method

Cameras that have an SD card that has been prepared asbootable and is locked (write protected,
with the slide tab on the side of the card), will load CHDKautomatically when turned on. This

is usually called the “Autoload” method, using a camera version specific file “DISKBOOT.BIN” The card lock is bypassed by CHDK and photos and video are able to be saved as normal.

– Manual load method

When the SD card has a camera specific file, which for some versions is “PS.FIR”, and others “PS.FI2”, the card is left unlocked and then:

1.Switch the camera on in Play mode, not Record mode,2.Press the MENU button, then press UP once (or scroll down the menu list)3.An option to update the firmware appears, Select that option. (press FUNC.SET)4.Confirm the update, (OK-press FUNC.SET)

See:- http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Bootable_SD_card

for instructions to make memory card bootable, and information on the loading process.

The CHDK splash screen will appear for about 2 seconds, confirming that CHDK is now running on your camera. (The splash screen can be disabled in Main Menu > Miscellaneous stuff)

Splash screen