Document Eject Tray

The scanner has two eject methods; documents can be ejected to the front of the scanner in a U-turn path, or to the back of the scanner in a straight path. This is done according to whether document eject tray 2 is opened or closed. Select the eject method according to what you need to do.

Document Eject Tray 1

U-Turn Path

Straight Path

Document Eject Tray 2


The U-turn path is used to scan documents on paper of normal thickness. Scanned documents are ejected to the document eject tray.

The straight path is used to scan documents on thin paper, base paper and business cards that cannot be scanned through the U-turn path. Scanned documents are ejected to the back of the scanner.

Using the U-Turn Path

1. If document eject tray 2 is open, close it.


The U-turn path cannot be used if document eject tray 2 is open.


Using the Scanner