SDXC Memory Cards

Use SDXC memory cards only with SDXC-compatible devices, such as SDXC-compatible digital recorders, computers and card readers. The table below summarizes compatibility by computer operating system, as of October 2010. For the latest information, however, contact the computer, operating system or memory card manufacturer.

Compatible operating systems for SDXC memory cards

Operating system


Windows 7




Windows Vista

Compatible (requires Service Pack 1 or later)



Windows XP

Compatible (requires Service Pack 3 and KB955704 update)



Mac OS X

Not compatible




If you use an SDXC memory card with a computer OS that is not SDXC- compatible, you may be prompted to format the memory card. In such case, cancel the operation to prevent data loss.

After repeatedly recording, deleting and editing scenes (fragmented memory), it will take longer to write data on the memory and recording may stop. Save your recordings and initialize the memory.

Eye-Fi Cards

This product is not guaranteed to support Eye-Fi card functions (including wireless transfer). In case of an issue with an Eye-Fi card, please check with the card manufacturer.

Also note that an approval is required to use Eye-Fi cards in many countries or regions. Without approval, use of the card is not permit- ted. If it is unclear whether the card has been approved for use in the area, please check with the card manufacturer.


Do not insert an Eye-Fi card into card slot X. Doing so may cause a malfunction with the card's wireless communication functionality.

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