Onscreen Displays and Data Code

You can turn most onscreen displays on or off.

Operating modes:

Repeatedly press hto turn the onscreen displays on/off in the following sequence:


• All displays on

• Most displays off*

and modes**:

• Only data code on

• All displays on

*Pressing hwill turn off most of the icons and displays that appear automati- cally but will not remove onscreen displays that were turned on manually (for

example, onscreen markers or the audio level meter). **Touch the screen to display the playback controls.

About the Data Code

With every scene or photo recorded, the camcorder keeps a data code (date/time of recording, information about the camera setup, etc.). You can select the information to be displayed with the y/z8 [Data Code] setting.

Rating Scenes

You can assign a rating to the scenes you record. Later, you can choose just the scenes of a particular rating to play back or edit.

Rating Scenes Right After Recording

You can rate your scenes immediately after recording them. Doing so will allow you to assign a rating while the scene is still fresh in your memory.

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