In any index screen, touch [b].

During single photo view, touch the screen once to display the controls then touch [Q] to open the [Photos] index screen.

ATouch the tab of the desired memory: built-in memory

(/ only), memory card Xor memory card Y. BTouch a control button to select the content you want to

play back.


[1Date] Scenes in the date index screen are organized by recording date.

[ Gallery] Scenes in the gallery screen are organized by various

groups, or “stories” (090). Touch [ Gallery] and then the desired story.

[2Photos] Display the photo index screen.

[uSD Movies] / only. When a memory card is selected, displays scenes that were converted to standard definition to upload them to the Web (0125).


Fast/slow playback modes are not available for scenes converted to standard definition. Scenes in the [uSD Movies] index screen can be played back only at normal speed.

Video Š 55