Combining Images (Card Mix)

You can choose one of the sample images from the collection on the supplied disk (such



as picture frames, backgrounds and animations) and combine it with the live video







Card Chroma Key (CARD CHROMA)





Combines frames with your recordings. The live video recording will











appear in place of the blue area of the card mix image.






Mix level adjustment: blue area of the still image.






Card Luminance Key (CARD LUMI.)










Combines illustrations or title with your recordings. The live video









recording will appear in place of the light area of the card mix image.





Mix level adjustment: light area of the still image.











Camera Chroma Key (CAM. CHROMA)

Combines backgrounds with your recordings. Record your subject in front of a blue curtain, and the subject not blue will be superimposed on the card mix image.

Mix level adjustment: blue area of the live video recording.

Card Animation (C. ANIMATION)

Combines animations with your recordings. You can choose from 3 types of card animation effects.

Corner: Animation appears on the upper left and the lower right corner of the screen.

Straight: Animation appears on the top and bottom of the screen and moves to the right and left.

Random: Animation moves randomly in the display.

Mix level adjustment: blue area of the card animation image.

+ / – button

Mode dial

SET dial

FUNC. button

Settings the Changing

Functions Advanced
