List of Trimming Window Functions (p.35, p.93)Cancels all the trimming (aspect ratio) information Full screen display/returns to normal screenReverts to the condition when the image was shot

Ratio of trimming range (you can also enter numerical values if you have selected [Custom])*1

Upper left coordinates of trimmed range (you can also enter numerical values)Size of trimmed range (you can also enter numerical values)Copies the trimmed range and applies (pastes) it to another image*2 Applies the copied trimming range to all other images*2 Level of opacity outside a trimmed range Switches between displayed images*2



Trimming rangeDisplays borders around a trimmed range


*1 If [Free] has been selected in the [Aspect ratio] list box, you can also drag the borders of the trimmed range to change its range.

*2 Operates when you have selected multiple images and the trimming window is displayed.