Specify the required settings (p.117).
O To copy an image, checkmark [Copy & Rename].
Batch Change the File Name of Images


1In the main window, select multiple images of which the file names are to be changed.

2Select the [Tools] menu ` [Start Rename tool].

¿The rename window appears.

3Specify the required settings (p.117) and click the [Execute] button.

O You cannot start up the rename tool from the [Collection] window (p.33, p.105).

OFor a list of the rename window functions, refer to p.117.

Changing the File Name of Images in the Order in the Main Window

When you change the order of the images in the main window (p.19), you can change in one operation the names of the files for the images, in the order they were rearranged.

1 Change the order of the images in the main window (p.19).

2In the main window, select multiple images of which the file names are to be changed.

3Select the [Tools] menu ` [Start Rename tool].4Select [Fit to main window].

¿Processing begins and the file names are changed.

Changes cannot be made when the file name is duplicated

If a file name in red text has appeared in [Modified File Name], the file name has been duplicated. Changes cannot be made if even one file name has been duplicated. Change the settings so that duplication does not occur.

The name of the movie files cannot be changed in DPP.


6Click the [Execute] button.

¿The file names are changed and the order in the main window is maintained.