Enlarge and View an Image in the Edit WindowDouble-click¿The edit window appears.
Edit window

Tool palette

¿It may take time for the image to redraw itself.OClick the [] in the upper left of the window to close the edit window.

O By selecting the [View] menu [AF Point] in the edit window, you can display the AF points selected in the camera at the time of shooting. However, AF points are not displayed for images which have had their image size changed and then been converted and saved (p.38, p.112).

Enlarging and Viewing a Specific AreaDouble-click the area you want to enlarge.


¿The area you double-clicked is enlarged to 100% (actual pixel size). If you wait for a while, it changes to a clearer display.

ODouble-click again to revert to the full view.

OTo change the display position, drag on the image or drag the enlargement display position of the tool palette.

Tool palette enlargement display positionChange the enlargement display position by draggingTo display an image in an enlargement ratio other than 100%Select the [View] menu [200% view] or [50% view].
OFor a list of edit window functions, refer to p.107.
You can change the enlargement ratio when you double-click (p.73).