Sort itemDescription

Check mark1 -

Images with check marks take priority and are

Check mark3

sorted in number order.



Shooting Date/Time

Images are sorted by shooting date and time


from the earliest.



File name

Images are sorted by file name in alphanumeric


order (0 to 9 A to Z).



RAW priority

Images are sorted in the following order: RAW


images JPEG images TIFF images.



Check mark order

When you assign check marks 1 to 3, the images are sorted as follows: 1 selected: 1 2 3

2 selected: 2 1 3

3 selected: 3 2 1

Arranging FreelyDrag and drop the image to the desired location.

¿The image moves to the desired location.

You can also select multiple images (p.18) and move them.

The order of rearranged images is maintained until you quit DPP or select another folder in the folder area.

Select the [View] menu [Sort] [File name] to revert to the order before the images were rearranged.

Maintaining the order of rearranged images

You can maintain the order of rearranged images even if you quit DPP or select another folder in the folder area.

OMaintain order without changing image file names

You can use the [View settings] tab sheet in Preferences to maintain the order of images without changing the image file names (p.73).

OMaintain order and change image file names

You can use the rename function to maintain the order of images and change the image file names all at once in the order they were rearranged (p.83).