Cropping an Image

You can use the following procedure to crop a portion of an enlarged image.

1.In the PLAY mode, use [￿] and [￿] to scroll through images and display the one you want to crop.


Use the zoom button to zoom the image.


• The part of the image displayed on the monitor


screen is the cropped part.


Use [￿], [￿], [￿], and [￿] to to scroll the part


to be cropped up, down, left, and right.


Press [SET] to extract the part of the image


enclosed in the cropping boundary.

2.Press [MENU].

3.Select the “PLAY” tab, select

“Trimming”, and then press [￿].

An indicator appears in the lower right corner, that shows what part of the original image is currently displayed on the monitor screen.

Note that this operation is possible only when a snapshot image is on the monitor screen.

Current zoom factor Original image

Displayed part

• If you want to cancel the procedure at any point,

press [MENU].