If the camera does not work normally

This can mean there is a problem with how the battery is loaded. Perform the following steps.

1.Remove the battery from the camera and check the battery contacts for dirt. If the contacts are dirty, wipe them clean with a dry cloth.

2.Check to make sure that the AC adaptor’s power cord is connected securely to the power outlet and USB cradle.

If the same symptoms occur again when you place the camera on the USB cradle after taking the above steps, contact a CASIO authorized service center.

Battery Life Guidelines

The battery life guideline values given below indicate the amount of time under the conditions defined below the table, until power automatically turns off due to battery failure. They do not guarantee that the battery will provide the amount of service indicated. Low temperatures and continued use reduce battery life.


Apporoximate Battery Life



Number of Shots (CIPA

200 shots (100 minutes)

Standard)*1 (Operating Time)




Number of Shots, Continuous

410 shots (100 minutes)

Recording*2 (Operating Time)




Continuous Snapshot Playback*3

160 minutes

Continuous Movie Recording*4

80 minutes



Continuous Voice Recording*5

160 minutes