Turning off Eye-Fi Card Communication (Eye-Fi)


[MENU] *Set Up Tab *Eye-Fi

Select “Off” to disable Eye-Fi card communication (page 152).

Configuring FlashAir Card Communication Settings (FlashAir)


[MENU] *Set Up Tab *FlashAir

Selecting “Start with the control image” for the FlashAir card setting and selecting “On” for the camera’s “FlashAir” setting will establish a FlashAir wireless LAN connection (page 153).

If the FlashAir card’s “Start automatically at boot” setting is selected, a wireless LAN connection will be established automatically whenever the camera is turned on.

Auto Image Orientation Detection and Rotation (Auto Rotate)


[MENU] *Set Up Tab *Auto Rotate


Automatically rotates snapshots shot with the camera held vertically

90 degrees.



Images not rotated automatically.



The camera automatically detects whether a snapshot image was shot in portrait or landscape orientation and displays it accordingly. Auto rotation is not performed for movies.


Other Settings (Set Up)