Degree, Minute, Second (Sexagesimal) Calculations

Performing an addition or subtraction operation between sexagesimal values, or a multiplication or division operation between a sexagesimal value and a decimal value will cause the result to be displayed as a sexagesimal value. You also can convert between sexagesimal and decimal. The following is the input format for a sexagesimal value: {degrees}  {minutes}  {seconds} .

Note: You must always input something for the degrees and minutes, even if they are zero.

2°20´30˝ + 39´30˝ = 3°00´00˝ 2 20 30 0 39 30  3°0´0˝

Convert 2°15´18˝ to its decimal equivalent.

2 15 18  2°15´18˝ (Converts sexagesimal to decimal.)  2.255 (Converts decimal to sexagesimal.)  2°15´18˝


You can use the colon character (:) to connect two or more expressions and execute them in sequence from left to right when you press .

3 + 3 : 3 σ 3

3 3 # (:) 3 3 







Using Engineering Notation

A simple key operation transforms a displayed value to engineering notation.

Transform the value 1234 to engineering notation, shifting the decimal point to the right.

1234  1234

' 1.234×103 ' 1234×100

Transform the value 123 to engineering notation, shifting the decimal point to the left.

123  123

'(κ) 0.123×103 '(κ) 0.000123×106

Calculation History

In the COMP Mode, the calculator remembers up to approximately 200 bytes of data for the newest calculation. You can scroll through calculation history contents using D and A.

1 + 1 = 2

1 1 


2 + 2 = 4

2 2 


3 + 3 = 6

3 3 

