Using Built-in Tones

Adjusting the Metronome Volume

You can use the following procedure to adjust the volume level of the metronome, without affecting the volume of Digital Piano output.

1. While holding down the  (FUNCTION) button, press the (METRONOME) button.

This displays the metronome volume screen.

Metronome volume

2. Use the  (w, q) buttons to adjust the metronome volume.

3. Press the  (FUNCTION) button.

This will exit the metronome volume screen and cause the FUNCTION lamp to go out.


You also can use the procedure under “Metronome Volume” (page E-41) to adjust the metronome volume.

Using the Pitch Bend Wheel

You can use the pitch bend wheel to slide the pitch of notes smoothly upwards and downwards. This capability makes it possible to reproduce saxophone and electric guitar choking effects.

Adding a Pitch Bend Effect

1. While playing a note on the keyboard, rotate the pitch bend wheel on the left of the keyboard upwards or downwards.

The amount the note bends depends on how much you rotate the pitch bend wheel.

Do not have the pitch bend wheel rotated as you turn on the Digital Piano.


You also can configure pitch bend wheel operation by specifying the amount of pitch change at maximum rotation in either direction. See “Pitch Bend Range” (page E-43) for more information.

Playing a Duet

You can use the Duet Mode to split the Digital Piano’s keyboard in the center so two people can play a duet. This makes it possible to configure the keyboard so, for example, the teacher can play on the left and the student can follow along on the right. Or one person can play the left hand part on the left, while another plays the right hand part on the right.


Left keyboard



Right keyboard











(Middle C)




(Middle C)



Pedal Operation when Playing a Duet

Optional SP-32 Pedal Unit



























Right side damper pedal

Left keyboard











(Half-pedal operation











damper pedal






















Left and right side damper pedal

Optional SP-3 Pedal Unit

To use the SP-3 Pedal Unit as the right keyboard damper pedal, connect it to the  (DAMPER PEDAL) terminal.

Half-pedal operation is not supported in this case.

To use the SP-3 Pedal Unit as the left keyboard (initial default setting) or right keyboard damper pedal (selectable), connect it to the  (SOFT/SOSTENUTO PEDAL) terminal.

For information about how to select left or right keyboard control with the SP-3 Pedal Unit, see “Soft/Sostenuto Pedal Jack Setting” (page E-43).

