Recording Images



Using the Flash








Repeat Recording












You can use the camera’s built in flash when recording images.

You can use any of the three following methods to record a consecu-











tive series of images.












To change the flash mode








• Shutter Button (CONT.S)















to cycle through

flash modes

in the following













Images are continuously recorded (at intervals of about one sec-


sequence: Auto Flash



Flash On



Flash Off.





ond) as long as you keep the shutter button pressed.












Auto Flash ....... Cam

era automatically decides whether

• TIME Recording (Past)

















or not to fire the flash in accordance with

With TIME Recording (Past), the camera constantly records im-






exposure conditions.






ages, even when the shutter button is not pressed. Pressing the



Flash On

......... Flash is always fired, regardless of expo-



shutter button produces a series of four images that include the






sure conditions.


image when the shutter button is pressed, and three images



Flash Off

......... Flash is not fired, regardless of exposure

0.05, 0.1, and 0.15 seconds before the shutter button is pressed.








• TIME Recording (Future)










































With this method, the camera records a series of four shots

• When aiming the camera, make sure that your fingers do not block

based at intervals of about 0.05 second.

























the flash or sensor. A block flash or sensor can ruin your picture.






• The flash should be used when recording images from a distance








































from about 0.7 meters (2.3') to about 3 meters (9.8'). Recording an








































object outside of this range may not produce desired results.

Time Recording (Past)

1 2 3 4







• Depending on current conditions, recharging can take anywhere

Time Recording (Future)

1 2 3 4




from a few seconds to as long as about 10 seconds.














• The flash does not fire when you shoot a sequential series of im-












• The flash cannot be used in combination with repeat recording, re-


appears on the monitor screen to indicate that the flash will

gardless of the method you use.












not fire.









































• The flash unit may not be able to recharge when camera battery

• The ability to repeat record depends on the amount of unused ca-

pacity available on your memory card.












power is low. This condition is indicated by




flashing red on the




























monitor screen. Be sure to replace batteries as soon as possible in

• After performing a TIME Recording (Past) or TIME Recording (Fu-

order to prevent improper exposure due to improper firing of the

ture) operation, the monitor screen shows the third image that was























































Recording Images




To record a consecutive series of images


Using the Self-timer



Slide the function switch to the REC position.


You can use the self-timer to perform any of the following recording


Align the dial with









to select repeat recording.





• Pressing the shutter button here, performs repeat recording


One shot after 10 seconds




Use this method when you want to include yourself in the photo-


using the last method you previously selected.



Press MENU.























• One shot after two seconds



























Use this method when you want to eliminate the effects of cam-













era movement caused when the shutter button is pressed.













• Four shots after 10 seconds














Use this method when you want to record a series of images,













from which you can select the best one.


4. Use [+] and [–] to select the repeat method you want to use,





and then press the shutter button.





The flash cannot be used in combination with four shots after 10 sec-

5. Point the camera at the subject and press the shutter but-



onds self-timer recording.


















• If you are using the shutter button for repeat recording, keep


To record using the self-timer



it held down long enough

to record the number of images


Slide the function switch to the REC position.


you want.


































Align the dial with

to select self-timer recording.














• Pressing the shutter button here, performs self-timer record-














ing using the last method you previously selected.













Press MENU.