Playing Built-in Songs

bp br

6789bk bl bm



With this Digital Keyboard, built-in tune data is referred to as “songs”. You can listen to the built-in songs for your own enjoyment, or you can play along with them for practice.

In addition to simple listening enjoyment, the built-in songs can be used with the lesson system (page E-31) for practice.

You can increase the number of tunes using your computer (page E-59).

Playing the Demo Songs

Use the following procedure to play back built-in songs.

1.Press bk and bl at the same time.

This will start playback of the demo songs.

See page E-69 for information about song numbers and the song sequence.

Demo playback always starts from song number 151.

2.To change to another song while demo playback is in progress, use br (10-key) [–] and [+] keys to enter the song number you want

(page E-7).

This will cause demo playback to jump to the song whose

number you entered.

• You cannot use br (10-key) number buttons to select a song.

3.To stop demo playback, press bk.

Demo playback continues until you stop it by pressing bk.

Song number

Tune name

D e m o T u n e
