General Guide

The following explains the meaning of the $ symbol that appears on the product console and with the key names below. $ : Indicates a function that is enabled by holding down the button for some time.

1POWER button E-10

2VOLUME knob E-10

3RECORDER button E-50

4RHYTHM EDITOR button E-455METRONOME, $ BEAT button E-13

6INTRO, REPEAT button E-29, 41

7NORMAL/FILL-IN, REW button E-28, 418VAR./FILL-IN, FF button E-28, 419SYNCHRO/ENDING, PAUSE button E-28, 41bkSTART/STOP, PLAY/STOP button E-27, 38 bl$ CHORDS, ACCOMP, PART SELECT button

E-30, 39

bmTEMPO buttons E-13 bnTONE button E-14

boRHYTHM, $ ONE TOUCH PRESET button E-38, 42

bpSONG BANK button E-28 bqMUSIC PRESET button E-56 brNumber buttons, [–]/[+]keys E-7 bsBANK, LISTEN button E-33, 48

btArea1, WATCH button E-33, 48 ckArea2, REMEMBER button E-34, 48 clArea3, NEXT button E-32, 48

cmArea4, AUTO button E-36, 48

cnSTORE, MUSIC CHALLENGE button E-37, 49 coSPLIT button E-15

cpLAYER button E-15


$TYPE button E-43, 57

crPIANO/ORGAN button E-14csCHORD BOOK button E-44ctFUNCTION button E-7

dkSpeakers dlSong Bank list dmDisplay

dnMusic Preset list doRhythm list dpTone list

dqCHORD root names E-39

drPercussion instrument list E-14

