WinterWarm Small Insert
Keep Your WinterWarm Small Insert Look-
ing New and Working Its Best
Care of the Cast Iron Surface
An occasional dusting with a dry rag will keep the painted cast iron of your WinterWarm Small Insert look- ing new.
If the paint needs retouching, first allow the surface to cool completely. Mask glass, trim parts and enamelled areas.
Care of the Porcelain Enamel Surface
Use a soft brush as necessary. Do not use water or other liquids on your WinterWarm Small Insert. Finger- prints usually can be buffed off porcelain enamel with a dry, soft cloth. If marks remain, allow the WinterWarm Small Insert to cool completely, then buff with a slightly damp, soft cloth. Dry completely before starting a fire to avoid streaking.
Never use abrasives or harsh chemical cleaners on the porcelain enamel finish; the enamel may scratch and expose the cast iron, which can then stain or rust. If you must remove spills or stains from porcelain surfac- es, make sure the fire is out and the WinterWarm Small Insert has cooled completely before cleaning. Use a kitchen appliance cleaner and/or polish specially formu- lated for enamel surfaces. Apply the cleaner sparingly with a soft cloth, and buff away all traces.
Cleaning the Glass
The WinterWarm Small Insert glass system requires a minimum amount of cleaning. Most carbon deposits that accumulate will burn off during hot fires.
Ash residue that accumulates on the glass should be removed periodically to prevent etching. To clean the glass, use the following procedure.
•Be sure the glass is completely cool.
•Cleaning with water will work in most cases. Use a glass cleaner especially made for this purpose only if deposits are specially heavy. (If heavy deposits are a frequent occurrence, however, evaluate your operating techniques.) Do not use abrasive cleaners.
•Rinse the glass thoroughly.
•Dry the glass completely.
NOTE: The WinterWarm Small Insert glass is coated with a special material on one side that helps reflect heat back into the fire chamber. Do not attempt to remove this coating.
Adjust the Door Latch Periodically
The front door of the WinterWarm Small Insert should close securely to prevent accidental opening and should close tightly to prevent air from leaking into the fire chamber. The door handle will be positioned verti- cally when the door is closed.
Over a period of time, the gasket around the door will compress and the latch may need adjustment. To ad- just the handle, follow this procedure:
1.Loosen the small lock nut with a 7/16” wrench. (Fig. 14)
2.Extend the striker screw one turn by turning it with a 1/8” Allen wrench.
Locking Nut
Striker Screw
Set Screw
Handle Stub | ST531 |
Fig. 14 Turn the door latch striker screw in or out to tighten or loosen the door latch.
Test the door seal. Close the door on a dollar bill and attempt to pull it free. If the bill is freed with little re- sistance, the gasket isn’t snug enough at that spot. Continue to make small adjustments until the setting is right.
If additional adjusting of the latch does not enable the door to seal sufficiently in one area, try “adjusting” the gasket in that area. Pack more cement or a smaller diameter gasket into the channel beneath the gasket so the main gasket is raised and makes contact with the door frame. If this procedure doesn’t solve the problem, replace the gasket. Instructions for gasket replacement are given later in this section.
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