Tilt invert

1. Press the MENU button until the display reads-.

2. Press the ENTER button to select TiltInvert. The selection is confirmedwhen beginsto blink.Youmust make a selectionwithin 8seconds.

3.Press the UP and DOWN buttons to toggle between Normal and


4.Press the ENTER button to activate selection.

Normal tilt movement

Tilt movement inverted

LCD reverse display

1. Press the MENU button until the display reads-.

2. Press the ENTER button to reverse the display. The selection is confirmed when the display begins to blink. You mustmake aselection within8 seconds.

3.Follow step # 2 again to return the display to normal.

Normal display orientation

Orientation reversed

Focus adjustment

Focus adjustment enables the user to set a lens focus on any of 5specific focus points (x/y axis positioning). Manual focus adjustment is available in Stand-alone only.

1. Press the MENU button until the display reads-.

2. Press the ENTER button and the fixture will automatically move to the first positionwhich is straight up or Tilt/90°. The display also beginsto blink. There are 5 selectable positions in total: Tilt/90°, Pan/0°, Pan/90°,Pan/180° & Pan/270°. Pressing ENTER buttonwill advance the head to the next position.Leave in the desired position and follow the next step.

3.At this point you can manually adjust the focus by pressing the UP and DOWN buttons. The displaywill read numbers 1 through 255.

4.Press the MENU button to store this setting.

Self test mode

1. Press the MENU button until the display reads-.

2. Press the ENTER button and the fixture will run throughvarious self-test programs.

3.Press the MENU button to return to the mainmenu.

DMX-1655 Manual Version 1.11