Caller ID on Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series Routers and Cisco MC3810 Multiservice Concentrators
Caller ID Configuration Task List
Table 57 cptone Command Entries for the Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series (continued)
Command Option | Country | Command Option | Country |
br | Brazil | nz | New Zealand |
ca | Canada | no | Norway |
cn | China | pe | Peru |
co | Colombia | ph | Philippines |
cz | Czech Republic | pl | Poland |
dk | Denmark | pt | Portugal |
fi | Finland | ru | Russian Federation |
fr | France | sg | Singapore |
de | Germany | sk | Slovakia |
gr | Greece | si | Slovenia |
hk | Hong Kong | za | South Africa |
hu | Hungary | es | Spain |
is | Iceland | se | Sweden |
in | India | ch | Switzerland |
id | Indonesia | tw | Taiwan |
ie | Ireland | th | Thailand |
il | Israel | tr | Turkey |
it | Italy | gb | Great Britain |
jp | Japan | us | United States |
kr | Korea Republic | ve | Venezuela |
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Configuration Guide