Catalyst 2940 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Configuring SPANThis chapter describes how to configure Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) on your Catalyst 2940 switch .
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, refer to the command
reference for this release.
This chapter consists of these sections:
•Understanding SPAN, page 20-1
•Configuring SPAN, page 20-6
•Displaying SPAN Status, page 20-10
Understanding SPAN
You can analyze network traffic passing through ports by using SPAN to send a copy of the traffic to
another port on the switch that has been connected to a SwitchProbe device or other Remote Monitoring
(RMON) probe or security device. SPAN mirrors received or sent (or both) traffic on one or more source
ports to a destination port for analysis.
For example, in Figure 20-1, all traffic on port 4 (the source port) is mirr ore d to po rt 8 (th e dest inat ion
port). A network analyzer on port 8 receives all network traffic from port 4 wi thou t be ing physic all y
attached to port 4.