About This Guide
This Cisco VPN Solutions Center: MPLS Solution User Reference manual provides details about the
Cisco Virtual Private Network (VPN) Solutions Center: MPLS Solution, to be referred to as MPLS VPN Solution.
Who Should Use This Book
This book is written as a resource for experienced users and administrators who use MPLS VPN. It provides details about how to implement the functionality of MPLS VPN Solution.
It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of network design, operation, and terminology, and that you are familiar with your own network configurations. It is also assumed that you have a basic familiarity with UNIX.
How This Book Is Organized
This manual is organized as follows:
•Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” provides an overview of the MPLS VPN Solution product and the system setup necessary to run it.
•Chapter 2, “WatchDog Commands,” provides the description, syntax, and arguments for the commands for WatchDog, a background daemon process that is automatically installed as part of the installation procedure for MPLS VPN Solution.
•Chapter 3, “VPN Console,” provides an overview of the VPN Console and the organization of: the menu task bar items; the left pane, the hierarchy pane; and the right pane, the data pane.
•Chapter 4, “VPN Console: File Menu,” provides an explanation of the options under the File menu:
–Repository Administration
–Watch Dog
Cisco VPN Solutions Center: MPLS Solution User Reference
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