About This Guide
How This Book Is Organized
•Chapter 5, “VPN Console: Find Menu,” provides an explanation of the options under the Find menu:
–Find Network
–Find VPN Provider
–Find Provider Region
–Find VPN Customer
–Find Customer Site
–Find VPN
•Chapter 6, “VPN Console: Setup Menu,” provides an explanation of the options under the Setup menu:
–Create Targets From Router Configurations
–New Provider Administrative Domain
–New VPN Customer
–New VPN Definition
•Chapter 7, “VPN Console: Provisioning Menu,” provides an explanation of the options under the Provisioning menu:
–Add VPN Service to CE
–Deploy Service Requests
–View Deployment Log
–Export Service Request Configlets
–List All New Service Requests
–List All Service Requests
–Purge Closed Requests from Database
•Chapter 8, “VPN Console: Auditing Menu,” provides an explanation of the options under the Auditing menu:
–Generate Service Request Audit Reports
–View Latest Audit Reports
•Chapter 9, “VPN Console: Monitoring Menu,” provides an explanation of the options under the Monitoring menu task bar:
–Collect Router Configuration Files
–Collect VPN Accounting Data
–Collect VPN Routing Information
–Configure Traps
–Interface Statistics
–Poll a Router’s CAR MIB
–Provision SLA Definitions and Collect SLA Data
–View Accounting Reports
–View CAR MIB Report
–View Data Report
Cisco VPN Solutions Center: MPLS Solution User Reference
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