About This Guide
Conventions and Terminology
If you have the API module for this product, the following documents are also part of the Cisco VPN Solutions: MPLS Solution documentation set:
•Cisco VPN Solutions Center: MPLS Solution API Programmer Guide (Part Number:
•Cisco VPN Solutions Center: MPLS Solution API Programmer Reference (Part Number:
The following list of documents contains additional information that may help you more fully understand the material described in this manual. These documents are available on the Cisco Documentation
•Cisco IP Manager (Lite) 2.0(34)M Release Notes (Part Number:
•Cisco IP Manager (Lite) User’s Guide: Version 2.0 (Part Number:
•Internetworking Technologies Handbook
•Internetworking Terms and Acronyms
Conventions and Terminology
This section discusses conventions and terminology used throughout this manual.
The MPLS VPN Solution software supports a
This manual uses this terminology throughout (even though it is possible for individual users to customize their devices to use the buttons in an alternative manner).
In situations that allow more than one item to be selected from a list simultaneously, the following actions are supported:
•To select a single item in a list, click the entry. Clicking a second time on a previously selected entry deselects it.
•To select a contiguous block of items, click the first entry; then, without releasing the mouse button, drag to the last desired entry and release. (A subsequent click anywhere on the screen deselects all previous selections.)
•To extend a currently selected block, hold the Shift key down and click the entry at the end of the group to be added
•To add a noncontiguous entry to the selection group, press the Ctrl (Control) key and click the entry to be added.
Names of
Cisco VPN Solutions Center: MPLS Solution User Reference
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