Chapter 1 Voice Health Monitor Overview
Overview of VHM
VHM and DFM Interdependencies
Note For all DFM references in this guide, refer to the User Guide for Device Fault Manager for more detailed information.
Device Fault Manager (DFM) and VHM both analyze Cisco device failures. The two products often identify problems before users of network services realize that a problem exists. Both VHM and DFM:
•Use a
–Identify the problems affecting managed systems that are critical to correlate.
–Describe the symptoms, developing a “problem signature” that specifies which conditions are present in a faulty element when the problem occurs.
•Create a causality mapping between the problems and the symptoms. Problems and symptoms are coded in correlation models that VHM and DFM use to:
–Analyze network conditions.
–Generate faults and exceptions.
The event information necessary to diagnose problems is present in the correlation model. Therefore, VHM and DFM monitor only the events necessary to diagnose problems.
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