Chapter 3 Installing the AVS 3120
Configuring Network Settings
You can view the DNS settings by using the show dns command:
velocity>show dns
Step 5 Configure the local time zone with the set date tz command:
velocity>set date tz timezone
timezone is the local city/time zone name, such as America/New_York. To see a list of available city/time zone names, use the command show timezone all. The default time zone is America/Tijuana.
You can view the current time zone setting by using the show timezone current command:
velocity>show timezone current
Step 6 Configure the initial date and time setting. You can do this automatically by synchronizing to a network time protocol (NTP) server, or manually by using the set date time command. To use an NTP server, use the set ntp command, as follows:
velocity>set ntp start ip
start can be start, to start using NTP, or stop, to stop using NTP
ip is the NTP server IP address or fully qualified domain name, such as or time.nst.gov
You can view the NTP settings by using the show ntp command:
velocity>show ntp
NTP SERVER: time.nist.gov
If you would rather manually set the time, use the following command:
velocity>set date time MM:DD:hh:mm:YYYY
where MM:DD:hh:mm:YYYY is month:day:hour:minute:year
You can view the time and date by using the show date command:
velocity>show date
Wed Dec 7 19:10:04 2005 TimeZone=America/Tijuana
Note You must set the accurate date and time for the appliance to function properly.
Step 7 Configure the system host name with the set hostname command:
velocity>set hostname name
name is the system host name, such as velocity2
You can view the host name setting by using the show hostname command:
velocity>show hostname
| Cisco AVS 3120 Application Velocity System Hardware Installation Guide |
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