Cisco Systems Gateway Controllers manual Voltage Warning

Models: Gateway Controllers

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Cisco Media Gateway Controller Release 9 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information

Translated Safety Warnings

Aviso São necessárias duas pessoas para levantar o chassis. Agarre o chassis debaixo da borda inferior e levante com ambas as mãos. Para evitar lesões, mantenha as costas direitas e levante-o fazendo força com as pernas e não com as costas. Para evitar danos no chassis e nos seus componentes, nunca tente levantar o chassis pelas as asas das unidades de fornecimento de energia ou dos módulos de interface. Estas asas não foram criadas para suportar o peso do chassis.

¡Atención! Se necesitan dos personas para levantar el chasis. Sujete el chasis con las dos manos por debajo del borde inferior y levántelo. Para evitar lesiones, mantenga la espalda recta y levante con la fuerza de las piernas y no de la espalda. Para evitar daños al chasis y a sus componentes, no intente nunca levantar el chasis por las asas de las fuentes de alimentación o de los módulos de interfase. Las asas no han sido diseñadas para soportar el peso del chasis.

Varning Två personer behövs för att lyfta chassit. Ta tag i chassit under den lägre kanten och lyft med båda händerna. Undvik skada genom att hålla ryggen rak och lyft med benen, inte ryggen. Undvik skada på chassit och komponenterna genom att inte försöka lyfta chassit i handtagen på strömförsörjningsaggregaten eller gränssnittsmodulerna. Dessa handtag har inte konstruerats för chassits vikt.

Voltage Warning

Warning A voltage mismatch can cause equipment damage and may pose a fire hazard. If the voltage indicated on the label is different from the power outlet voltage, do not connect the chassis to that receptacle.

Waarschuwing Aansluiting op een verkeerd voedingsvoltage kan beschadiging van de apparatuur veroorzaken en tot brandgevaar leiden. Het chassis mag niet aangesloten worden als de spanning die op het label staat aangegeven, anders is dan de spanning van het stopcontact.

Varoitus Erisuuruisten jännitteiden yhdistäminen voi aiheuttaa laitevaurion ja tulipalon vaaran. Jos tarraan merkitty jännite eroaa pistorasian jännitteestä, älä yhdistä asennuspohjaa pistorasiaan.

Avertissement Une erreur de voltage risque d'endommager l'appareil et constitue un risque d'incendie. Si la tension indiquée sur l'étiquette est différente de la tension de l'alimentation, ne connectez en aucun cas le châssis à la prise.

Achtung Bei nicht übereinstimmender Spannung kann es zu Geräteschäden und Feuergefahr kommen. Wenn die auf dem Etikett angegebene Spannung nicht mit der Steckdosenspannung übereinstimmt, schließen Sie das Gerät nicht an diese Steckdose an.

Avvertenza Una tensione inadeguata può causare danni all'apparecchio e rischio di incendio. Se la tensione riportata sulla targhetta è diversa da quella della presa di alimentazione, non collegare lo chassis a tale presa.

Advarsel Ulik spenning kan forårsake skade på utstyret og innebære brannfare. Dersom spenningen på merkelappen er forskjellig fra spenningen i stikkontakten, må du ikke koble kabinettet til den stikkontakten.

Cisco Media Gateway Controller Software Release 7 Installation and Configuration Guide


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Cisco Systems Gateway Controllers manual Voltage Warning

Gateway Controllers specifications

Cisco Systems Gateway Controllers play a pivotal role in the modern networking landscape, particularly within service provider infrastructures. These devices serve as critical components that facilitate the efficient management of voice, video, and data traffic, enabling seamless communication across diverse networks. Combining robustness, scalability, and advanced features, Cisco's Gateway Controllers provide businesses with the tools necessary to optimize their network environments.

One of the standout features of Cisco Gateway Controllers is their ability to handle various signaling protocols, including SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), H.323, and MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol). This flexibility ensures interoperability with a wide range of telecom systems and devices, which is crucial for organizations transitioning to IP-based communications.

Integration of voice and video services is made seamless through advanced transcoding capabilities. Cisco Gateway Controllers can convert media streams between different codecs, ensuring high-quality communication regardless of the endpoint's capabilities. This is particularly valuable for enterprises with a mix of legacy and modern communications equipment, as it protects existing investments while facilitating growth.

Traffic management is another significant characteristic of Cisco Gateway Controllers. They utilize sophisticated traffic engineering techniques to prioritize real-time communication signals and optimize bandwidth allocation. Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms ensure that voice and video traffic is given priority over data traffic, reducing latency and maintaining call quality even during peak usage.

Security features are also a hallmark of Cisco's solutions. Gateway Controllers include robust encryption, access control, and intrusion prevention systems to ensure that network communications are protected against potential threats. This is increasingly important as organizations face a growing number of cybersecurity challenges.

Additionally, Cisco's extensive software ecosystem, including platforms like Cisco Unified Communications Manager, allows for an integrated approach to communication solutions. This interconnectivity not only simplifies management but also enhances the capabilities of Cisco's Gateway Controllers by enabling advanced features like unified messaging and presence information.

Overall, Cisco Systems Gateway Controllers combine advanced technologies, essential features, and security measures to support modern networking needs. Their ability to handle diverse communication protocols, coupled with traffic management and high-level integration, positions them as a crucial solution for organizations seeking to leverage the full potential of converged communication systems. By incorporating these services, businesses can enhance operational efficiency and improve overall user experience, paving the way for future technological advancements in communication.