Chapter 2 Preparing to Install the Cisco Unified IP Phone on Your Network
Creating a SIP Profile
Adding Phones with BAT
The Cisco Unified Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) is a
To add phones using BAT only (not in conjunction with TAPS), you first need to obtain the appropriate MAC address for each phone. See the “Determining the MAC Address of a Cisco Unified IP Phone” section on page
For detailed instructions about using BAT, refer to Cisco Unified CallManager Administration Guide and to Cisco Unified CallManager Bulk Administration Guide.
Related Topics
•Determining the MAC Address of a Cisco Unified IP Phone, page
•Adding Phones with
•Adding Phones with Cisco Unified CallManager Administration, page
•Adding Phones with Cisco Unified CallManager Administration, page
Creating a SIP Profile
Each SIP IP phone on the network must be associated with a SIP profile. To create a SIP profile, navigate from Cisco Unified CallManager Administration to Device
>Device Settings > SIP Profile. Most fields on the SIP Profile Configuration screen contain default values that you can use. However, some fields require configuration.
For complete information about SIP profiles and the SIP Profile Configuration screen, refer to the Cisco Unified CallManager Administration Guide.
To create a unique SIP profile for a phone on your network, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click Copy to the right of the screen containing an existing SIP Profile.
Step 2 Make changes in the applicable fields that are specific to your new SIP profile.
Step 3 Name the unique SIP profile with a descriptive name.
Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager 5.0 (SIP), Cisco Unified IP Phones
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