SR260C_English_black_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1
• You make a calculation that is out of the range for functional and
statistical calculations.
• You try to store over 40 steps in a program.
To clear calculation after an overflow condition, press [ ON/C ].
POWER SUPPLY To turn the calculator on, press [ ON/C ] ; To turn the calculator off,
press [ OFF ]. This calculator automatically turns it off when not
operated for approximately 9 minutes. It can be reactivated by
pressing [ ON/C ] key and the display, memory, settings are retained.
The calculator is powered by two alkaline batteries (G13 or LR44).
When the display dims, replace the batteries. Be careful not to be
injured when you replace the battery.
1. Unscrew the screws on the back of the calculator.
2. Insert a flat bladed screwdriver into the slot between the upper and
lower case then carefully twist it to separate the case.
3. Remove both batteries and dispose of them properly. Never allow
children to play with batteries.
4. Wipe off the new batteries with a dry cloth to maintain good contact.
5. Insert the two new batteries with their flat sides (plus terminals) up.
6. Align the upper and lower cases then snap them to close together.
7. Tighten the screws.
(Including Parenthesis Calculations)
(Ex.) : – 3.5 + 8 ÷ 2 = 0.5
3.5 [ +/–] [ + ] 8 [ ÷ ] 2 [ = ] DEG 0.5
(Ex.) : ( 5 – 2 x 1.5 ) x 3 + 0.8 x ( – 4 ) = ?
[ ( ] 5 [ – ] 2 [ x ] 1.5 [ ) ] [ x ] 3 [ + ] 0.8 [ x ]
4 [ +/ – ] [ = ]
DEG 2.8
(Ex.) : 2 x [ 7 + 6 x ( 5 + 4 ) ] = 122
2 [ x ] [ ( ] 7 [ + ] 6 [ x ] [ ( ] 5 [ + ] 4 [ = ] DEG 122.
(Note) : It is unnecessary to press the [ ) ] key before the [ = ] key.
Constant Calculations
(Ex.) : 3 + 2.3 = 5.3
6 + 2.3 = 8.3
3 [ + ] 2.3 [ = ] DEG 5.3
6 [ = ] DEG 8.3