How Your CB Can Serve You
How Your CB Can Serve You


Code Meaning
10-29 Timeis up for contact
10-30 Doesnot conform to FCC rules
10-33 Emergencytraffic
10-34 Troubleat this station
10-35 Confidentialinformation
10-36 Correcttime is
10-37 Wreckerneeded at
10-38 Ambulanceneeded
10-39 Messagedelivered
10-41 Turnto channel
10-42 Trafficaccident at
10-43 Traffictie up at
10-44 Havea message for
10-45 Allunits within range please report
10-50 Breakchannel
10-60 Whatis next messagenumber?
10-62 Unableto copy. Use phone
10-63 Netdirected to
10-64 Netclear
10-65 Awaitingyour next message/assignment
10-67 Allunits comply
10-70 Fireat
10-71 Proceed, transmission in sequence
10-77 Negativecontact
10-81 Reservehotel room for
10-82 Reserveroom for
10-85 Myaddress is
10-91 Talkcloser to mic
10-93 Checkmy frequency on this channel
10-94 Giveme a long count
10-99 Missioncompleted, all units secure
10-200 Policeneeded at


CitizenBands haveadopted the “10-CODES” for

standardquestions and answers. Thesecodes

providequick and easy communication, especially

innoisy areas. Followingare some of the more

commoncodes and meanings:

Code Meaning
10-1 Receivingpoorly
10-2 Receivingwell
10-3 Stoptransmitting
10-4 OK,message received
10-5 Relaymessage
10-6 Busy,stand by
10-7 Outof ser vice,leaving
10-8 Inservice, subject tocall
10-9 Repeatmessage
10-10 Transmissioncompleted standing by
10-11 Talkingtoo rapidly
10-12 Visitorspresent
10-13 Adviseweather/roads
10-16 Makepick up at
10-17 Urgentbusiness
10-18 Anythingfor us?
10-19 Returnto base
10-20 Mylocation is
10-21 Callby phone
10-22 Reportin person to
10-23 Standby
10-24 Completedlast assignment
10-25 Canyou contact
10-26 Disregardlast info
10-27 Movingto channel
10-28 Identifyyour station
CB 10-Codes