Page 14 Coby Electronics Cor poration
English Page 15
Safety Notices
Protect your hearing: Hearing experts advise against the constant
use of personal stereos played at high volume. Constant exposure
to high volumes can lead to hearing loss. If you should experience
ringing in the ears or hearing loss, disc ontinue use and seek medic al
In case of malfunction, reset the unit to res ume normal operation.
Changing or reinstalling the batterie s may be necessary.
Environmental Prote ction
Do not attempt to dispose of this product in you r household gar-
bage. Please bring the device to an appropr iate collection center
for the recycling of electronic applia nces. Instructions inc luded
on the product or its packaging will provi de more information on
appropriate disposal methods.
For information on the location of an appr opriate recycling center,
please contact your local municipal a uthorities.