Page 16 Coby Electronics Cor poration
English Page 17
Safety Notices
Servicing: Do not attempt to servi ce this product yourse lf as opening 12.
or removing covers may expose you to d angerous vol tage or o ther
hazards. Refer all servic ing to qualied ser vice personne l.
Damage Requiring Serv ice: Unplug this product from t he wall outlet 13.
and refer servicing to qualied ser vice personnel und er the following
conditions: a) when the power-s upply or plug is dam aged; b) if liquid
has been spill ed or i f objects have fa llen into the prod uct; c) if the
product has been expos ed to rain or water; d) if the produ ct does
not operate normal ly by follow ing the op erating instr uctions. Ad just
only those controls that ar e covered by the opera ting instructi ons as
improper adjustment of othe r controls may res ult in damage and wil l
often require extensi ve work by a q ualied techn ician to resto re the
product to its normal operation; e) if the product has been dro pped or
damaged in any way; f) when the produ ct exhibits a d istinct chang e
in performance—th is indicates a need f or service.
Replacement Parts: When replac ement parts are require d, be sure 14.
that your ser vice tec hnician h as used replacement parts specied
by the manufacturer or have the same c haracteristic s as the original
part. Unauthorized su bstitutions may r esult in re, ele ctric shock, o r
other hazards.
Safety Check: Upon completion of any service or repai rs to this prod-15.
uct, ask the service technician to perf orm safety checks to ensure
that the product is in proper op erating conditi on.
Heat: The product sh ould be situa ted away from h eat sources such 16.
as radiators, heat register s, stoves, or other pro ducts (includin g am-
pliers) that produce heat.