Coby Electronics Cor p. [8]
of photos that can t on the DP180.
6. Status Bar: Indi cates which and when an op eration is
under way.
Preparing Photos for DP180 Di splay
Computer Functions
You can manually adjust the size, rotate and c rop the
photos in the “Basic Operatio ns Panel” on the computer
for DP180 display :
Crop: Click and drag the dashed crop b ox to the
desired location.
Rotate: Click [ ] or [ ] to rotate the
photo counter-clockwise o r clockwise, respe ctively.
Save: Click [ ] when you are nished to save
the adjustments and add the photo to t he “Device
Photos are not transferred to the DP180 un til you
click the [ ] device function button.
Device Functions
Use the buttons in the “Device Pa nel” to transfer or delete
photos from DP180.
To transfer photos from the DP180 to your comp uter:
a) Select the photo on the DP180 to transfer, the n; b)
Click the [ ] button.
Click [ ] to save all photos from the DP180
to your computer directly.
To delete photos on the DP180: a) Select the photos
on the DP180 to delete, then; b) Click the [ ]
To select all photos, click [ ] in the Device
Synchronize (Transfer) Fi les to the DP180
After all adjustments have been ma de (computer or
device functions), click the [ ] button to comp lete
all of the operations.
Quit the Photo Viewer software a nd then disconnect
the DP180 from the computer.
To avoid damage to the DP180 or your photos, do
not disconnect the DP180 from the co mputer while
the synchronization process is u nderway.