Page 22 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 23
Page 22 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 23
Multi-Angle/Subti tle/Audio
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with multiple angles, press ANGLE to view
the available alternate camera angles. (A DVD may have up to 9 se lectable angles.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with subtitles, press SUBTITLE to view the
available subtitle tracks. (A DVD may have up to 32 selectabl e subtitles.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with alternate language/audio tracks, press
AUDIO to hear the alternate tracks. (A DVD may have up to 8 selec table audio tracks.)
Preset the target les to be played automatically by a given order. Press the PROGRAM butto n to
display the program menu. (e.g. DVD Mode).
Use the numeric keypad to i nput numbers directly to the elds. Use t he navigation keys to move
between entry elds.
Load a DVD and enter press the PROGRAME b utton to enter Program mode.
Use the navigation keys to select a eld.
Use the numeric keypad to enter track numbers in the left “T” columns (or press CLEAR
to delete).
Use the numeric keypad to enter chapter numbers in the right “C” columns (or press
CLEAR to delete).
To start over, use the navigation keys to select “Clear” to delete all Track/Chapter selections.
To play your programmed selections, press Play/ Pause button or use the navigatio n keys to
select “Play”. Press PROGRAM to can cel.