Page 20 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 21
Page 20 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 21
Menu / Title
Press the MENU key during DVD playback to return to the di sc’s Main menu.
Press the TITLE key during DVD playback to return to the di sc’s Title menu.
Press MUTE to mufe/ release sound.
Press the SETUP key to enter the p layer’s setup menu. Enter the Setup menu to adjust the play-
er’s internal settings; please see the SETU P section for more details.
On-Screen Display
The On-Screen Display (OSD) indicator is a user-fri endly interface design ed to display playback
type status. The OSD indicator will display infor mation based on the type of disc that has been
loaded (i.e., DVD or CD).
Press the D isplay key to show ti me information on-screen; press it a third time to exit the on-
screen display mode.
To select the desired section to p lay (search).
Press the GOTO button to display the search bar.
Press the DIRECTION button to select the d esired item.
Press the NUMERIC button to input data.
Press the OK button to start playback .