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FCC Statement:
This device comp lies with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Opera tion is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmfu l interferenc e, and
(2) This device must ac cept any interferenc e received, including interferen ce that m ay
cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and fo und to comply with the li mits for Class B digit al
devices, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC r ules. T hese lim its are designed to provide rea-
sonable protection aga inst harmful interferenc e in a resid ential insta llation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and us ed in
accordance with the inst ructions, may cause harmful interferenc e to radio comm unications.
However, there is no guara ntee that inte rference w ill not occ ur in a par ticular inst allation. If
this equipment does cause harm ful interf erence to radio or t elevision re ception, w hich can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is en couraged to t ry to cor rect
the interference by one or more o f the following m easures:
Reorient or relocate the rec eiving antenna.
Increase the separation bet ween the equipme nt and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an out let on a circuit dif ferent from th at to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experie nced radio/ TV technician f or help
Use of shielded cable is required to co mply with Class B limits in Subpa rt B of Part 15 of
the FCC rules.
Do not make any cha nges or m odication s to the equipment unless othe rwise sp ecied in
the manual. If such changes or mo dications sh ould be made, you c ould be required t o stop
operation of the equipment.
HD Radio™ Technology Man ufactured U nder Licen se From iB iquity Dig ital Corp. U.S. and
Foreign Patents. HD Rad io™ and the HD Radio logo are propri etary trad emarks of iB iquity
Digital Corp.
For recycling or dis posal information about this product, pleas e cont act
your local authorities or the E lectronics I ndustries All iance: www.eia