Page 34 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 35
Connect the MP-C7057 to a computer wit h the USB 2.0
cable provided to:
Transfer les to and from your player.
Perform basic le management functi ons.
USB Driver Instal lation (Wind ows 98SE Only)
It is not necessary to install the USB dr iver if your
computer is running Microsoft Win dows ME/2000/XP
or newer, or Macintosh OS X. Computers running thes e
operating systems will recognize your player autom ati-
cally when connected.
If your computer is running Windows 98 SE, dow nload
the driver from COBY website: www.cobyusa.c om.
Connecting to a Compu ter
Connect the player to your
computer with the supplied
USB cable.
Upon connection:
Your computer will au-
tomatically recognize
the player as an MTP Device. An icon representi ng
your player will appear under “Audio Devices” when
you open “My Computer”.
It may take Windows several minutes to recognize
and set up the device the rst time it is connect ed
depending on your hardware conguration.
USB Port
USB Port