Page 22 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 23
Enter VIDEO mode to play SMV vid eo les loaded on
your player.
Video List
Use the Video List to view all video tracks loaded on your
player. Press while in VIDEO mode to view the Video List.
Press to move the selection up; pre ss to
move the selection down.
Press or to conrm and play a select ion.
Press and hold to cancel and r eturn to the Main
Video Controls
Use the following controls during video p layback.
Key Function
Press Start/Resume track playbac k.
During playback, press to pause playback.
Hold (2 sec) Stop track playback compl etely.
Press Play the next track.
Hold Fast-forward through the current tr ack.
Press Play the previous track.
Hold Reverse through the current track.
Press Decrease the volume level.
Press Increase the volume level.
Hold Return to Main Menu.