Page 16 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 17
If you need further assistance with transferring and
managing les, please refer to your operating system’s
instruction manual or on-screen help. If you are using
media management software such as iTunes, Winamp, or
Windows Media Player, please refer to their documenta-
tion for support.
Do not disconnect or other wise inte rrupt the player
during le transfer—this could dama ge or corrupt the
player’s rmware or your les.
For more information and suppor t re garding music
transfer and synchronizati on with Windows Me dia
Player (WMP), pleas e see the help sectio n included
with WMP (click “Help > Synchronizing Content to De-
disconnecting fro m a Computer
Disconnect your player as instructed belo w to prevent
data loss or le/rmware corrupt ion.
Microsoft Windows
Double-click the green ar-
row in the taskbar located
on the lower-right side of
the computer screen (Safely Remove Hardware).
Connecting to a Computer