Disc Requirements
This DVD player supports playback of the follow ing discs.
Type Disc Mark Content Type Disc Size Max. Playback T ime
DVD-Video Discs Audio + Video
(moving picture) 12 cm
133 min (SS-SL)
242 min (SS-DL)
266 min (DS-SL)
484 min (DS-DL)
Audio Compact Discs (CDs) Audio 12 cm 74 min
Audio 12 cm ~14 hours
JPEG CDs -- Still Picture 12 cm --
This unit c an play back CD- R and C D-RW disc s that contain audio titles, MP3 les, or JPEG
picture les. Discs no t listed above are not supported by this unit (e.g., PC CD-ROM, CD-Extra,
CD-G, CD-I, etc.)
Disc Care and Maintenance
Optical discs (DVDs, CDs) contain high- density compressed data and ne ed proper handling.
Handling a Disc
Hold a DV D/CD by i ts edges. Avoid touching the re corded side of the disc. To remove a
DVD/CD from its storag e case, press down on the center r etention mechanism of the case
and lift the disc out.
Do not subject discs to prolonged exposure to di-
rect sunlight, high humidity, or high temperatures.
Do not bend or press discs.
To reduce the ri sk of scratches , always put discs back in their cas e after use. Store discs
vertically in a cabinet.
Do not place stickers or labels on either side of a di sc.
Cleaning a Disc
Use a dry, soft cloth to wip e off any  ngerprints and dusts from the playing surface of the disc.
Wipe in a straight line radially from the center to the outs ide edge of the disc. Small dust particles
and light stains will not affect playback qual ity.
Never use chemicals such as record sprays, anti-static sprays, benzene, or thinner s to clean
a disc. Doing so will damage the surface of t he disc permanently.