Page 18 Coby Electronics Corpor ation Page 19 Page 19
To install batteries in the remote
control, refer to the diagram. Re-
move the battery compartment
cover located on the rear of the re-
mote control. Insert batteries, mak-
ing sure to match their polarities
(+/-) to the markings on the inside
of the compartment. Replace the
Batteries in the remote will last for
approximately 1 year. Replace the
batteries if the remote control does
not work. Do not mix old with new
batteries, or different t ypes of bat-
Remove the batteries f rom the re-
mote if it will not be used for a long
period of time.
The batteries used in the remote control may present a re or chemical
burn if mistre ated. Do not recharge, disassemble, incinerate, or heat
the battery (~212ºF).
Keep batteries away from children.