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The LCD panel used in this player contains millions of thin lm transistors that have been manuf actured using a
high-technology proces s to deliver a crisp, cle ar, and detailed picture. Oc casionally, a few of these transistors
may become stuck or non-active; please note that this is a normal result of the manufacturing process and does
not affect the performanc e of the player.
This product incorporates copyright protection te chnology th at is pr otected by U.S. patents and othe r intel-
lectual property ri ghts. Use of this copyright protecti on technology must be authorized by M acrovision, and is
intended for home an d other limited viewing uses only unless oth erwise author ized by Macrovisi on. Reverse
engineering or disassembly is pr ohibited.
For recycling or disposal information abou t this product, please contact
your local authorities or the Electro nics Industries Alliance:
Manufactured under license f rom Dolby Laboratori es.
Dolby and the double-D symbol a re trademarks of
Dolby Laboratories.
Condential Unpublished Wor ks.
© 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories. All r ights reserved.
This player has built-in copy-
right pr otection techn ology
that prevents copying from a
DVD disc to any media.
If a video recorder is connected t o the
player, the video outpu t image will be
distorted during recordi ng.