Using the Remote Control
To load a battery in the remote:
Pull in the direction of the arrow.1.
Slide the compartment out.2.
Place the battery in the comp artment with the posi tive side ( + ) facing up.3.
Push the compartment in to clo se.4.
Point the remote at the r emote sensor of the p hoto frame at a dista nce of no more than 15″
and at an angle no greater than 60 degrees.
Batteries will last for about one year und er typical usage.
Replace the batteries if the remote is n o longer working.
Do not spill water on the remote control.
Do not use the remote control for other equi pment at the same time.
Remove the batteries if the remote contr ol will not be in use for an extended peri od of time.
See Power Connections sectio n.