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Installing the Hub
Writer: Chris Seiter Project: Installing the Hub Comments: 299440-001
File Name:2824_3.DOC Last Saved On:6/26/97 11:00 AM
MAN (Managed) (Factory-default setting) In this mode, the port
configuration settings for the 2724 hub are non-volatile. In addition, if
you remove the 2724 hub from the stack, the disabled ports remain
disabled. (You can re-enable them by setting the DIP switch to UNM
and turning the hub off and then back on.) For example, if you disable
Ports 1 and 2, then power down the stack, Ports 1 and 2 will still be
disabled when the stack is powered up again.
In a managed stack, if you set the 2724 DIP switch to UNM, the
STATUS LED on the 2724 flashes GREEN.
Figure 3-6 shows two expansion ports of a 2824 hub connected to the expansion
ports of two 2724 hubs using backplane connection cables.
Figure 3-6. Stack Connecting One 2824 and Two 2724 Hubs with Backplane Connectors
In this example, the 2824 hub (top hub in the stack) manages two 2724 hubs.
The DIP switches on both 2724 hubs are set to “TARGET,” as required in a
managed stack.