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5-4 Managing the Hub
Writer: Chris Seiter Project: Compaq Netelligent 2724/2824 Dual-Speed Hub User Guide Comments:
File Name:2824_5.DOC Last Saved On: 06/25/97 5:32 PM
Supported Frame Types
Ethernet Frame Type Novell Name IP IPX
DIX Ethernet II ETHERNET_II 9999
IEEE 802.3 with 802.2 SNAP Headers ETHERNET_SNAP 9999
IEEE 802.3 with 802.2 LLC Headers ETHERNET_802.2 99
IEEE 802.3 Raw ETHERNET_802.3 99
IP Frame TypesThe hub supports both ETHERNET_II and ETHERNET_SNAP for its Ethernet
IP communications. The default frame type is ETHERNET_II. However, many
networks composed of FDDI, token ring, and Ethernet topologies require the
ETHERNET_SNAP frame type for routing, bridging, and switching. To
provide IP management flexibility, the 2824 hub supports both ETHERNET_II
and ETHERNET_SNAP frame types.
Although the hub supports two different Ethernet frame types, it cannot support
both simultaneously. This is because an individual IP network can only use one
frame type and different frame types require different IP networks even if they
run on the same cable.