#include <netinet/ip.h> #include <netinet/ip_var.h> #include <netinet/if_ether.h> 3 #include <net/ether_driver.h> #include <io/common/devdriver.h> 4 #include <hal/cpuconf.h> #include <kern/thread.h> #include <kern/sched_prim.h> #include <kern/lock.h>
#include <io/dec/eisa/eisa.h> 5 #include <io/dec/pcmcia/pcmcia.h> 6 #include <io/dec/pcmcia/cardinfo.h>
#include <io/dec/netif/lan_common.h> 7
#include <io/dec/netif/if_elreg.h>
1Includes the ioctl.h include file, which defines common ioctl com- mands. The ioctl.h file is located in /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h.
2Includes the sysconfig.h header file, which defines the constants that all device drivers use during configuration. The sysconfig.h file is located in /usr/include/sys/sysconfig.h.
3Includes the if_ether.h header file, which defines the ether_header data structure. All network drivers typically include this file.
If you are writing the network driver for FDDI media, you also include the header file if_fddi.h. If you are writing the network driver for Token Ring media, you also include the header file if_trn.h.
4Includes the devdriver.h header file, which defines common device driver data structures and constants. The devdriver.h file is located in /usr/include/io/common/devdriver.h.
5Includes the header file eisa.h, which is associated with the ISA bus.
If you are writing the driver to operate on multiple bus architectures, you must include the
Includes the header files pcmcia.h and cardinfo.h, which are associated with the PCMCIA bus.
Includes the lan_common.h file, which contains definitions that all local area network (LAN) device drivers need.
Includes the device register header file. The directory specification you make here depends on where you put the device register header file.
1.2 Declarations Section for a Network Driver
The declarations section for a network device driver contains the following categories of information: